Sonic Place Hints

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How to Get an A for Team Chaotix (Team Rose's story) in Sonic Heroes

This is just like the 5th boss battles for the other three stories, only it is not as hard as Team Dark & Team Sonic, but not as easy as Team Rose. Keep your guard up at all times.

How to Get an A for Team Sonic (Team Rose's story) in Sonic Heroes

This a tough one to get. Unlike the other three 2nd boss fights, you use Amy's Tornado Hammer first then Cream's Thunder Shoot to try an knock them away.

How to get an A for Team Rose (Team Chaotix's story) in Sonic Heroes

This is just like fighting Team Dark as Team Sonic & vise versa, the only thing is Team Rose is still as weak as ever. Still, you shouldn't let your guard down in this battle.

How to Get an A for Team Dark (Team Chaotix's story) in SonicHeroes

This A is similar to the battle with Team Rose in Team Sonic's story & Team Chaotix in Team Dark's story, only they're a lot harder to fight. Remember to stun them with Charmy's Thunder Shoot before using Espio's Leaf Swirl.